I am a current master’s student in Applied Genomics. My current research focuses on the comprehensive Single Cell Multiomic Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease in a Rat Model in the laboratories of Dr. Sarah Marzi. My project involved uncovering cell type-specific chromatin signatures and rotenone-associated differences in chromatin or expression that are enriched in Parkinson’s disease. My undergraduate degree is in Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), and during my time at China Medical University and National Taiwan University, I joined Dr. Chen’s lab focused on machine learning and bioinformatics, conducting metagenomics analysis of the microbiome of colorectal cancer and exploring proteomic associations in novel ensemble machine learning model. In the future, I aspire to continue exploring the field of neuroscience and become a physician-scientist with interdisciplinary expertise. Outside of science, I am a movie enthusiast and avid hiker.

  • MSc Applied Genomics, 2023

    Imperial College London

  • M.D Medicine, 2019

    China Medical University